1 – 2. Астероиды Главного пояса астероидов #2675 Tolkien и #2991 Bilbo
3 – 4. Транснептуновый астероид пояса Койпера #174567 Varda cо спутником Ilmarё.

Для имён астероидов Tolkien и Bilbo первоисточник не найден. Приводятся по: CBAT/MPC/ICQ. Minor Planet Names: Alphabetical List

Varda так же есть в этом каталоге, кроме того, найдено её упоминание в списке вновь утверждённых названий малых планет:

Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. 2014. New names of minor planets // The MINOR PLANET CIRCULARS/MINOR PLANETS AND COMETS are published, on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union, usually in batches on or near the date of each full moon. P. M.P.C. 86713 – M.P.C. 86718.

Сведения об астероиде Varda:

(174567) Varda = 2003 MW12
Discovered 2003 June 21 by J.A. Larsen at Kitt Peak.
In J.R.R. Tolkien's mythology, Varda is the queen of the stars, the star-kindler. She is the deity who, prior to the birth of the first humans, created the stars and constellations. She also set the vessels of the Sun and Moon upon their appointed courses above the girdle of the Earth. Ilmarё is Varda's handmaid. Ilmarё: Secondary discovered in 2009 by K.S. Noll et al. using the Hubble Space Telescope.

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Свободная энциклопедия

2675 Tolkien is a small main belt asteroid, which was discovered by M. Watt in 1982. It is named after J.R.R. Tolkien, a philologist, university professor, and author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

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Астероид 2991 Bilbo

2991 Bilbo is a main-belt asteroid discovered on April 21, 1982 by Watt, M. at Flagstaff.

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174567 Varda is a trans-Neptunian object with an absolute magnitude of 3.5.

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Ильмарэ, спутник транснептунового объекта Варда.

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